CIID Seminars

Venue: CIID building, Im Neuenheimer Feld 344, lecutre hall at 17h15


CIID Seminar / Speaker


CIID, lecutre hall at 17h15

CIID Seminars: Dr. Viet Loan Dao Thi

“Hepatitis E virus: Covered or exposed, which is more appealing?”

Department of Infectious Diseases / Virology, Heidelberg


CIID, lecture hall at 17h15

CIID seminars: Prof. Dr. Barbara Müller

“The Ins and Outs of HIV”

Department of Infectious Diseases / Virology, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Dr. Markus Ganter

“Analyzing the replication of Plasmodium falciparum

Department of Infectious Diseases / Parasitology, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Dr. Petr Chlanda

“Structural analysis of protein-membrane interactions critical for influenza A and Ebola virus entry”

Department of Infectious Diseases / Virology, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Dr. Steeve Boulant

“Not just about endocytosis, a refreshing view on the clathrin machinery: new perspectives of research for my lab”

Department of Infectious Diseases / Virology, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Dr. Pierre‐Yves Lozach

“The fabulous NSs Protein of Rift Valley fever virus”

Department of Infectious Diseases / Virology, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Dr. Marco Binder

The Cell‐Intrinsic Antiviral Response – Rapid Induction Requires Stringent Control

Division Virus‐associated carcinogenesis (F170), DKFZ, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Dr. Volker Lohmann

Shaping the lipid landscape of the replication organelle by Hepatitis C virus

Department of Infectious Diseases / Molecular Virology, Heidelberg


CIID lecture hall at 5.15 pm

CIID Seminars: Prof. Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht

Malaria parasite shape, motility and attenuation

Department of Infectious Diseases / Parasitology, Heidelberg