16.11.2022 | Ralf Bartenschlager named as “Highly Cited Researcher” 2022
Among the most "Highly Cited Researchers" in his field (microbiology) worldwide is Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, member of SFB1129 [...]
Among the most "Highly Cited Researchers" in his field (microbiology) worldwide is Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, member of SFB1129 [...]
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unsere Bewerbung für die dritte Förderphase des Sonderforschungsbereiches „Integrative Analyse der Replikation und Ausbreitung [...]
On the occasion of the XIX. Gatroenterology seminar week the FALK Foundation awarded the "Wolfgang-Gerok-Preis" for the first time. [...]
A new article was published from Schwarz group (project 04): The SFB teams discovered that malaria parasites can migrate [...]
Martin Beck, Director at the Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt and one of the PI's of SFB project [...]
A new article was published from Ganter group (project 18): The researchers report in "Science Advances" how the malaria-causing [...]
Among the most "Highly Cited Researchers" in his field (microbiology) worldwide is Prof. Dr. Ralf Bartenschlager, member of SFB1129 [...]
Distinguished Award of the 2021 HBV International Conference The Distinguished Award in Hepatitis B Research was presented to Michael [...]
Joint activities from scientists in SFB1129 in Covid-19 research We have used the lockdown period of our [...]
International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Centre 1129 "INTEGRATIVE ANALYSIS OF PATHOGEN REPLICATION AND SPREAD" - online Meeting - [...]