2021 | Joint activities from SFB scientists in Covid-19 research
Joint activities from scientists in SFB1129 in Covid-19 research We have used the lockdown period of our [...]
Joint activities from scientists in SFB1129 in Covid-19 research We have used the lockdown period of our [...]
International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Centre 1129 "INTEGRATIVE ANALYSIS OF PATHOGEN REPLICATION AND SPREAD" - online Meeting - [...]
Two project leaders of SFB1129 took part at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), held online from March [...]
A new article from Frischknecht group (TP 1) was published in EMBO Molecular Medicine: Malaria parasites face different biochemical [...]
The meeting with the editors of Cellular Microbiology that was planned for the 29 of April has been postponed. [...]
For more information click here: https://www.nacht-der-forschung-heidelberg.de/programm/ https://www.nacht-der-forschung-heidelberg.de/event/unsichtbare-gefaehrten-auf-der-spur-von-viren-und-parasiten/ https://www.nacht-der-forschung-heidelberg.de/event/viren-zum-anfassen-2/ https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/newsroom/so-schoen-war-die-nacht-der-forschung/
HIV Spreads Through Direct Cell-To-Cell Contact Using innovative cell culture systems, quantitative image analysis, and computer simulations, an interdisciplinary [...]
SFB1129 member Ada Cavalcanti-Adam (P15) organizes the "Mechanobiology meeting: when Physics meets Biology" taking place on July 7-13, 2019 [...]
Integrative Analysis of Pathogen Replication and Spread SFB 1129 Renewal Symposium 2018 Thursday, January 18, 2018 in Heidelberg 10.00 [...]
Feierliche Übergabe des Zentrums für Integrative Infektionsforschung am 13. November 2017 Official inauguration ceremony of the new building "Center [...]