Dr. Ann-Kristin Mueller
until January 2020:
Department of Infectious Diseases, Parasitology
Heidelberg University Hospital
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Parasitology (malaria), immunology, vaccinology, cell biology, intrahepatic infections
2012 | Minerva-Arches Prize of the BMBF and Max-Planck Society |
2010-present | Kollegiat of the “Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften” (academy of science of the state of Baden-Württemberg) |
2010 | “Auf dem Weg zur Professur” Managment course of the Excellence Cluster of the University Heidelberg |
2010 | Personal career development coaching at the Führungsakademie Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe, Germany |
2008 | EXIST-Forschungstransfer grant by the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie |
2006 | EMBO long-term research fellowship (ALTF405-2006) |
2006 | 2006 Karl Freudenberg Prize by the “Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften” for PhD work |
2006 | 2006 prize for “Basic medical research: vaccination against malaria” by the German GlaxoSmithKline Foundation |
2005 | “Top post-doc and student talk” at the Molecular Parasitology Meeting (MPM XVI), Woods Hole, MA, USA |
2011-present | Mentor and Shareholder of the MalVa GmbH (co-funded by EXIST II of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie) |
2009-present | Independent Group Leader at Heidelberg University, Department of Infectious Diseases, Parasitology, Heidelberg, Germany |
2007-2008 | Junior Group Leader at the Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Würzburg, Germany |
2007 | EMBO research fellow at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (with Prof. E. Riley), London, UK |
2005-2006 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the lab of Dr. Kai Matuschewski, Heidelberg, Germany |
2002 | Three-month summer course “Biology of Parasitism” at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA |
2001-2004 | PhD thesis in the lab of Dr. Kai Matuschewski, Heidelberg, Germany |
1996-2001 | Student of Biology at the University of Marburg |