Prof. Dr. Joachim P. Spatz
Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research &
Biophysical Chemistry
Heidelberg University
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: +49 6221-54 4942, +49 711-689 3610, +49 6221-486 420
Materials science, physics of soft matter, biophysics, non-conventional nanolithography, biofunctionalization of solid and soft interfaces, cell biology
2020 | Member of the Leopoldina |
2017 | Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, DFG (German Research Foundation) |
2016 | Member of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy |
2012 | ERC Advanced Grant |
2009 | Member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities |
2008 | Weston Visiting Professorship at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel |
2003 | Otto Klung Award for Physics. |
2002 | Alfried Krupp Research Award for Young University Faculty Members |
2000 | Gerhard Hess–Research Award of the German Science Foundation |
1999 | Reimund Stadler Award – Habilitation Award of the Fachgruppe Makromolekulare Chemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker |
1998 | Young Researcher Award Ulmer Universitätsgesellschaft |
1997 | Research Stipend German Science Foundation |
1997 | Scientific PhD Award of Ulm University for outstanding PhD work |
1996 | Scientific Award of the Association of the Metal Industry Baden-Württemberg |
1996 | Scientific Schloessmann – Award of the Max Planck Society |
Guasch J, Diemer J, Riahinezhad H, Neubauer S, Kessler H, Spatz JP (2016). Synthesis of binary nanopatterns on hydrogels for initiating cellular responses. Chemistry of Materials 28:1806-1815
Guasch J, Conings B, Neubauer S, Rechenmacher F, Ende K, Rolli CG, Kappel C, Schaufler V, Micoulet A, Kessler H, Boyen H-G, Cavalcanti-Adam EA, Spatz JP (2015). Segregation versus colocalization: Orthogonally functionalized binary micropatterned substrates regulate the molecular distribution in focal adhesions. Advanced Materials 27:3737-3747
Frohnmayer JP, Brüggemann D, Eberhard C, Neubauer S, Mollenhauer C, Boehm H, Kessler H, Geiger B, Spatz JP (2015). Minimal synthetic cells to study integrin-mediated adhesion. Ang Chemie Int Ed. 54:12472-12478
Das T, Safferling K, Rausch S, Grabe N, Boehm H, Spatz JP (2015). A molecular mechanotransduction pathway regulates collective migration of epithelial cells. Nat Cell Biol. 17:76-87
Janiesch JW, Weiss M, Kannenberg G, Hannabuss J, Surrey T, Platzman I, Spatz JP (2015). Key factors for stable retention of fluorophores and labeled biomolecules in droplet-based microfluidics. Anal Chemistry 87:2063-2067
Deeg J, Axmann M, Matic J, Liapis A, Depoil D, Afrose J, Curado S, Dustin ML, Spatz JP (2013). T cell activation is determined by the number of presented antigens. Nano Letters 13:5619-5626
Matic J, Deeg J, Scheffold A, Goldstein I, Spatz JP (2013). Fine tuning and efficient T cell activation with stimulatory aCD3 nano-arrays. Nano Letters 13:5090-5097
Wegner SV, Spatz JP (2013). Cobalt(III) as a stable and inert mediator ion between NTA and His6-tagged proteins. Ang Chemie Int Ed. 52:7593
Platzman I, Janiesch J-W, Spatz JP (2013). Synthesis of nanostructured and biofunctionalized water-in-oil droplets as tools for homing T cells. J American Chem Society 135:3339-3342
Perschmann N, Hellmann JK, Frischknecht F, Spatz JP (2011). Induction of malaria parasite migration by synthetically tunable microenvironments. Nano Letters 11:4468-4474
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