Dr. Marina Lusic
Department of Infectious Diseases, Integrative Virology
Heidelberg University Hospital
69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Phone: +49 6221 56 5007
Nucelar organization and function, regulation of gene expression, chromatin structure, cell biology of retroviral infection, oxidative stress in viral infections
2018 | Gilead Research Prize for Infectious Research |
2015 | Hector Stiftung Award |
2009 | Young Investigator Award (under 40) by the Italian Ministry of Health for Innovative Research |
2007 | International Mobility Scholarship by AREA Consortium, Trieste Italy |
2000 | ICGEB research Fellowship |
COST Action CA17139 European Topology Interdisciplinary Action Management Comittee | |
Shytaj IL, Procopio FA, Tarek M, Carlon -Andres I, Tang H-Y, Goldman, AR, Munshi, M H, Forcato M, Leskov K, Ye F, Lucic B, Cruz N, Singh A, Bicciato S, Padilla-Parra S, Diaz RS, Lusic M, Karn J, Alvarez-Carbonell D, Savarino A. 2021. Glycolysis downregulation is a hallmark of HIV-1 latency and sensitized infected cells to oxidative stress. EMBO Mol Med. 2021 Aug 9;13(8):e13901
Müller TG, Zila V, Peters K, Schifferdecker S, Stanic M, Lucic B, Laketa V, Lusic M, Müller B, Kräusslich H-G. 2021. HIV-1 Uncoating by release of viral cDNA from capsid-like structures in the nucleus of infected cells. eLIFE 2021
Zila V, Margiotta E, Turonova B, Müller TG, Zimmerli C, Mattei S, Allegretti M, Borner K, Rada J, Müller B, Lusic M, Kräusslich HG, Beck M. 2021. Cone-shaped HIV-1 Capsids are transported through intact nuclear pores. Cell 2021 184, 1-15
Shytaj IL, Lucic B, Forcato M, Penzo, C, Billingsley J, Laketa, V, Bosinger S, Stanic M, Gregoretti F, Antonelli L, Oliva G, Frese K, Trifunovic A, Galy B, Eibl C, Silvestri G, Bicciato S, Savarino A and Lusic M. 2020. Alterations of redox and iron metabolism accompany development of HIV latency. EMBO J 2020 May 4, 39(9)
Lucic B, Chen H-C, Kuzman M, Zorita E, Wegner J, Minneker V, Wang W, FronzaR, Laufs S, Schmidt M, Stadhouders R, Roukos V, Vlahovicek K, Filion GJ and Lusic M. 2019. Spatially clustered loci with multiple enhancers are frequent targets of HIV-1. Nature Commun 2019 Sept; 10(1):4059
Michieleto D, Lusic M, Orlandini E, Marenduzzo D. 2019. Physical principles of retroviral integration. Nat Commun. 2019 Feb 4;10(1):575. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08333-8
Bejarano DA, Peng K, Laketa V, Börner K, Jost KL, Lucic B, Glass B, Lusic M, Müller B, Kräusslich HG. 2019. HIV-1 nuclear import in macrophages is regulated by CPSF6-capsid interactions at the nuclear pore complex. Elife. 2019 Jan 23;8. IF 7,616
Lusic M and Siliciano R F. 2016.Nuclear landscape of HIV-1 infection and integration. Nat Rev Microb. 15(2):69-82
Marini B, Kertesz-Farkas A, Lucic B, Hashim A, Lisek K, Manganaro L, Pongor S, Luzzati R, Mavilio F, Giacca M and Lusic M. 2015. Nuclear architecture of CD4+ T cells favors HIV-1 integration into a subset of transcriptionally active genes at the periphery of the nucleus. Nature. 14; 521 (7551): 227-31
Lusic M, Marini B, Ali H, Lucic B, Luzzati R, and Giacca M. 2013. Proximity to PML Nuclear Bodies negatively regulates HIV-1 gene expression in CD4+ T cells. Cell Host & Microbe. 13: 665-677
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