Prof. Dr. Karl Rohr

BioQuant Center and IPMB
Biomedical Computer Vision Group
Heidelberg University
69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: +49 6221-54 51298


Biomedical image analysis; Probabilistic tracking and motion analysis; Elastic image registration, Model-based segmentation and quantification; Landmark localization


2014, 2017 Top-Ranking Result, Cell Tracking Challenge, International competition, ISBI 2014, Beijng/China, Nature Methods 2017
2013, 2014 Top-Ranking Result, Cell Tracking Challenge, ISBI 2013, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, San Francisco/USA, Bioinformatics 2014
2013 Prize for best scientific paper, BVM 2013 (Image Processing for Medicine)
2012 DFG Project QuantVessel selected as one of 10 projects from about 20,000
DFG projects for presentation at DFG exhibition, Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin
2012 Prize for best scientific paper, BVM’12 (Image Processing for Medicine)
2010 1st Prize Poster Award, Summer School AMBIA, Masaryk University,
Czech Republic
2009 Prize for best scientific paper, BVM’09 (Image Processing for Medicine)
2008 Best Paper Award ICPDC’08 (Int. Conf. of Parallel and Distributed Computing)
2008 BVM price for best scientific paper, BVM’08 (Image Processing for Medicine)
2007 BVM poster price, BVM’07 (Image Processing for Medicine)
2000 Honorable Mention for the Pattern Recognition Society Award for an
outstanding contribution to the journal Pattern Recognition
1995 Springer Best Paper Award, KI’95 (Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
1990 DAGM price (German Association for Pattern Recognition), DAGM’90
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