Covid-19 Research
20.11.2024 | R. Bartenschlager and F. Mücksch named as “Highly Cited Researchers 2024”
Two project leaders from SFB1129 are named [...]
19.08.2024 | Markus Ganter erhält Preis für ausgezeichnete Lehre von der Heidelberger Fachschaft Medizin
Dr. Markus Ganter, Projektleiter von SFB-Teilprojekt 18, [...]
05.08.2024 | Forschung zu neuem Ansatz für Malaria-Impfung im Team von Friedrich Frischknecht
Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Medizinischen Fakultät Heidelberg [...]
25.11.2023 | Frauke Mücksch named as “Highly Cited Researcher” 2023
Among the most “Highly Cited Researchers 2023” [...]
25.11.2023 | Ralf Bartenschlager named as “Highly Cited Researcher” 2023
Among the most “Highly Cited Researchers” worldwide [...]
21.11.2023 | Chica & Heinz Schaller Research Award 2023 to Petr Chlanda
The Chica and Heinz Schaller Research Award [...]
19. Juni 2023 | Lautenschläger-Preis 2023 an zwei Projektleiterinnen des SFB1129
Der "Lautenschläger-Forschungspreis" wird alle zwei Jahre für [...]
28.04.2023: Dr. Ingham (P23) erhält namhafte Förderung für Malaria-Forschung
Dr. Victoria Ingham ist Projektleiterin von SFB-Projekt [...]
25.04.2023: Two publications by Schwarz (P4) and Chlanda (P19) groups on viral fusion pores
In an interdisciplinary approach sparked by SFB1129, [...]
22.11.2022 | Victoria Ingham receives prestigious ERC Starting Grant
Heidelberg malaria researcher Dr. Victoria Ingham has [...]
16.11.2022 | Ralf Bartenschlager named as “Highly Cited Researcher” 2022
Among the most "Highly Cited Researchers" in [...]
27.05.2022 | DFG bewilligt dritte Förderphase für SFB 1129
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unsere Bewerbung [...]
27.05.2022 | Stephan Urban has been awarded the „Wolfgang-Gerok-Preis“
On the occasion of the XIX. Gatroenterology [...]
13.05.2022 | New publication by Schwarz (P4), Rohr (Z4) and Frischknecht (P1) groups – Collective migration of malaria parasites
A new article was published from Schwarz [...]
12.05.2022 Ralf Bartenschlager (project 11) wins prestigious Ernst Jung prize for medicine
Ernst Jung prize for medicine Ralf Bartenschlager [...]
04.05.2022 New publications by Frischknecht group – Two studies on what determines infectivity of malaria parasites
Two new articles published by the Frischknecht [...]
26.04.2022 | Martin Beck receives prestigious ERC Advanced Grant
Martin Beck, Director at the Max Planck [...]
31.03.2022 | New publication by Ganter group – The rapid proliferation of malaria-causing parasites
A new article was published from Ganter [...]
18.11.2021 | Ralf Bartenschlager named as “Highly Cited Researcher” 2021
Among the most "Highly Cited Researchers" in [...]
26.10.2021 | The “Distinguished Award in Hepatitis B” to Prof.Dr. Stephan Urban
Distinguished Award of the 2021 HBV International [...]
2021 | Joint activities from SFB scientists in Covid-19 research
Joint activities from scientists in SFB1129 in [...]
06.-07.05.2021 | SFB1129 International Symposium 2021 – online
International Symposium of the Collaborative Research Centre [...]
08.03.2021 | Presentation of results from several SFB projects at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)
Two project leaders of SFB1129 took part at [...]
05.03.2021 | New publication by Frischknecht group – Movements of Malaria parasites in different environments
A new article from Frischknecht group (TP [...]